Task: A LED should pulsating get brighter and darker (fade).
Required equipment: Microcontroller / one LED (blue) / resistor with 100 Ohm / Breadboard / cables
The Arduino is a digital microcontroller. It only knows “5 Volt on” and “5 Volt off” on its outputs. But to vary the brightness of an LED, it ought be vary the voltage on the outputs. For example 5 Volts if the LED shines bright, 4 Volts if it shines a bit darker and so on. THIS DOESN’T WORK ON DIGITAL PINS. But there is an other option. It is called pulse width modulation (short PWM). PWM lets the 5 V voltage fade. The voltage is turned on and off for milliseconds. With a really high PWM the 5 V signal nearly gets constant on the pin. With a low PWM it is the other way around and the 5 V signal is barely there (This is only a reduced summary, so you should look it up on the internet, if you need more information). With this PWM it is possible to get nearly the same effect on a LED, as if the voltage would get varied. Not every pin on the board has the PWM function. The pins with this function are specially labelled, for example with a little wave in front of the pin number.
Let’s go!
int LED=9; //The word “LED” stands for the number 9.
int brightness=0; //The word “brightness” stands for the value that is emitted at the PWM.The number “0” is //only used as an initial value.
int fading=5; //”fading” sets up the speed of the fading.
void setup()
{ // The setup begins here.
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); //The pin with the LED is supposed to be an output.
void loop()
{ //The loop part begins here.
analogWrite(LED, brightness); //The function analogWrite is used to activate the PWM output on the pin with //the LED. The value of the PWM is saved under the word “brightness”. In this case it is “0”.
brightness=brightness + fading; // Now we modify the value of the PWM output. We add the value of the //fading to the value of the brightness. In this case: brightness = 0+5. The new value that is standing for //brightness isn’t 0 any longer but 5. When the program has ran through the loop part once it will start //over again. The next pass the value will be 10. After that it will be 15… etc.
delay(25); //The LED should only stay bright for a really short time like 25 milliseconds. If you reduce //that time the fading will also get faster.
if(brightness==0 || brightness== 255){
fading= -fading;
} //Meaning of this command: If the Value of brightness will reach 0 OR 255, the value of fading will //change from negative to positive and the other way around. The Reason why is, that while the program is //running trough the loop part, the LED will shine brighter and brighter. But at the point of 255 as a //value of the PWM, it will reach it’s maximum. At this point the LED should get darker step by step. //Because of this the fading will be negate at this point. This means the next time the program runs //through the loop the part “brightness=brightness+fading;” will effect that the LED gets darker. Example: //“brightness=255+(-5)”. The value of brightness will be 250 after that. The next time it will be 245..etc. //As the value of brightness will reach 0 the value of fading will get positive again.
} // With this bracket the loop part ends.